Friday, August 8, 2008


So tonight we went to Cherry Creek Reservoir to do some fishing. When we got there, there were people out on their boats skiing and tubing and people on the shore fishing and some swimmers at the beach. So no big deal, we found the place that Josh likes to fish and set up shop. Ayva was playing in the water and Cheyenne sitting in the stroller watching everything. Josh rigged up his poles and had them in the water for a little bit when I noticed a big black cloud behind us. At first I thought it was going east and we'd have no problem. Boy was I wrong.

So after a while I figured there was no threat from that cloud so Cheyenne and I left to get us some dinner. We were driving down the road away from the cloud and got to McDonald's (so healthy, I know), got the food and headed back to the reservoir and was faced with this "torrential downpour" is what the radio said. I couldn't see two feet in front of me. Remember Josh and Ayva are at the lake still and tonight I decided to put Ayva in her swim suit. Usually on other fishing trips she would just play in the water in her clothes and get all wet, so this time I decided to put her in her suit.

As I was driving back I felt helpless, my poor family is at this lake in this downpour and I can't get to them fast enough.

When I pulled up to the area I found them running out of the mens bathroom (the bathrooms were the only form of shelter in the area).

I found out from Josh that not minutes after I left it all started for them. At first Josh just held Ayva under a tree and she was upset from all the thunder and lightning. Then it started hailing, all this and my poor baby was in only a bathing suit and Josh said she was shivering so much he got scared. At this point he ran up to the bathrooms to get out of the hail and cold. Mind you I'm just driving down the road, no rain and no dark clouds in my view and those two are in this torrential downpour.

So we got Ayva in the car and cranked up the heat and Josh running back and forth to get all his fishing gear. Ayva calmed down within minutes.

I thought you only find those kind of storms in Kansas.

Oh and no fish tonight!


Nat said...

Wow! That is crazy! I'm glad everything turned out okay. That is great that Josh was there to help out...even if there was a girl in the men's bathroom!

abb said...

I've felt that helpless feeling before. I'm glad everything turned out okay. Chalk that one up for experience!

Eric and Amy said...

Oh my goodness! How terrible! I hate that helpless feeling, when you just can't get where you need to be quick enough, especially when those sweet kids are involved. Glad to hear everyone was okay!

Kelsey said...

I'm glad there was a bathroom to hide in.