Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beijing Olympics....Fraud?

Ok so I'm getting more and more annoyed with the China and what they are doing. Sorry for venting about all this but I think people should know about these things.

First off, the opening ceremonies...Granted it was spectacular and the performances--amazing! Don't get me wrong I love watching the events and especially this year with Michael Phelps and all his wins and the first relay--awesome but I have some issues with how China is going to all these lengths with trying to prove themselves to the world and spending way too much on everything Olympics. I don't know if you have heard but the little girl who sang the "Ode to the Motherland" song was actually lip-synching to another little girls vocal track. And the reason for this is read here. The girl with the voice wasn't pretty enough. Not earth shattering I know but that's just one issue.
Another issue with opening ceremony... the firework display. Again not earth shattering but just another example of how China is trying to justify themselves to the world. Apparently the firework display was not completely real. The fireworks shot out away from the stadium and for the people that were there of course they had a big moniter so the people could watch the show but the images they saw and what we saw on TV were digitally enhanced. They prerecorded some fireworks and added it to the footage of that night. I don't have an article for this one but Josh's reads the Drudge Report everyday and that is where he got this information. If I can find it again I'll post it for you, those interested.
#3...What China promised to the Olympic committee.... So the Chinese promised all this stuff to the committee so they could get the olympics but went back on their word when it was all said and done. Did you know that the media covering the olympics over there are not allowed internet access (or it's extremely limited) so they cannot report on protests that are going on and anything negative about Beijing's Olympics (minus the stabbing of the American). Internet access is blocked off from not only the media but from anybody in the olympic area. Again, I don't have references to this right now but when I don't I'll post that as well.
#4...Womens gymnastics (girls gymnastics). This is where it really starts to drive me nuts because gymnastics is my absolute favorite thing to watch. I love gymnastics! Now we all know about all the judging problems there have been in the past but this year, come on. How many countries can't stand Americans? And how bias is this judging? Ok, so maybe it's not as bad as I'm thinking, maybe I'm over reacting. But Shawn Johnson does an almost perfect beam routine and her score doesn't reflect that at all and several Chinese girls do all these balance checks and gets better scores then Shawn, maybe I don't know everything about the judging process but when you do an almost perfect routine and get a crappy score, that doesn't make sense.

So there was a battle between USA and China for the gold. And as we know now China got it but come on, how old are those Chinese girls, did you see any of it. I'm sorry but most of those girls did not look 16 and there are so many people who are not believing it.
And so they showed their passports, OOOOOOH, and who gives those passports to the girls? The Chinese government, the people who want to prove to the world that they are now a world power and will do anything to prove it. Did you know that they take these girls at 3 years of age? They take them out of the home and are only allowed to see their family once a year, 3 years old! Who does that?!!! I guess they do.
Don't get me wrong, the Chinese were amazing and they certainly deserved the gold. I just don't like all the cheating, and you know what maybe they really aren't cheating, it just feels like it. Something is not right here.
And how can it be when we are dealing with a country like China (communists, maybe).
But the timed events, how can you really fix those? Maybe there's a way, I just don't see how. So as of now, don't really have any issues, it's the judging and all these little secret tricks the Chinese goverment is doing.
Anyways, sorry if this offends, just venting.
If I'm wrong on any of this and you have some proof please just tell me. If I am wrong then I'd feel better about it all.


Rachel said...

Hi Lacey, I totally agree with you!! Especially in the gymnastics, those little girls were definately under the age of 16! At least half of them. I can't believe they allow to prove their age from just the passports! I think they should have to have more documentation than just the passport!

Steph said...

I'm so glad you said all that. I needed to hear a good vent about the Olympics. I especially agree with you (like so many others) about the gymnastics. It looked like some of those girls on the China team still had baby teeth! Well, at least they can't fake their way through men's swimming...

Nat said...

I agree. The Chinese girls look like they are eight. This is off the subject, but it is bugging me how they're spending so much time showing the swimming (I am a huge Phepls fan...) trials, semi-finals. beach volleyball, and gymnastics. I love to watch these events, but I would really like to see some of the other events like Judo, fencing, trampolining...
Maybe we would see more if we didn't just have NBC. Oh well...

Eric and Amy said...

Yep, I've heard these reports too. It is frustrating! You want to think that the Olympics is the most amazing sports event ever, but when you hear of judging issues, and other crap that happens, it just makes you wonder about people's integrity. Who's being paid under the table to make China look good??!! Same with politics! Hate it all!!!