Friday, May 22, 2009

Keep or Throw Out???

I have had these sweats going on 14 years now and Josh thinks they are just hideous.
I got them for drill team when I was just starting high school and they've been with me off and on since then. My high school was Olathe East, hence the word EAST on the butt. Yes, on the butt. I'm sure Amy is very familiar with these sweats as she grew up with them too, on me of course. She was my seminary buddy. I had to cut them off because I would wear them to seminary, no shoes, and pull the bottom of them over my feet. So there were big holes. They've been through a lot and they are very comfy and I just can't part with them.

And NO, I wasn't this big in high school, they're just sweats, they stretch!

Again, Josh thinks they are nasty and wants me to throw them out and said he would replace them. I can't bear the thought of throwing them out! I know, I know, move on! But it's not that, they're just comfy.

What do you think? Leave a comment-Toss or Keep


Steph said...

I have a whole bunch of shirts from high school and college that I want to keep for "sentimental value." Jake suggested that I keep the shirts and make a blanket/quilt out of them. Maybe the same thing could apply here? I'd say keep them, but find a way to make something out of them if they aren't wearable anymore. That's what I'd do!

Leisel said...

Okay, you two, just send them all to me and I will make a quilt with all your "sentimental" shirts, etc! Yay! Doesn't that sound fun? Wait! Why don't you come too and we will have a quilting party!!!!

Bill Bates said...


I would do like we did with Josh when he couldn't part with his 'bankie'. It was fuzzy and green. We cut it into a small piece and he still slept with it. It kept getting smaller and smaller until he didn't need it anymore. You could do that with your sweats!

janelle said...

My favorite shirt is one that Derek won in a wrestling tournament in high school. I also like to wear his PT gear from basic training, they're so comfortable! I'll be sad when it's time to make this difficult decision. :(

Nat said...

I cried when I had to throw out my old running shoes. At least your sweats don't stink! I can't wait to see you guys!

Eric and Amy said...

OK, you SO cannot get rid of the East pants! Seriously. I just might cry. Those are classics. I will never forget those seminary mornings with you wearing those puppies. I still have some East shirts that I wear to bed. Eric HATES them. But They are now so worn down and thin, which makes them perfect to sleep in. And when I paint, well, they're perfect for that. And now I have a tiny tab of paint on my shirts from both my kids rooms, which means it's way more sentimental now ;). My hubby just won't win until literally the seems come undone ;).

Merrilee said...

I think I remember those... did you have them at Ricks? Wild. I say keep!

Rachel said...

Keep Em. When you get further in life(like your 60s or something) you can cut them up and use them as dust rags!

cad said...

I say keep them. They look totally comfortable. Josh will just have to adjust!

Ashlee said...

keep! If they fit, do it!

vk said...

Keep honey! Life is hard enough sometimes. Our memories keep us warm, and our sweats!
