Saturday, May 16, 2009

Funny girls...

We've been laughing a lot lately.

On our way to Kansas to visit my family, like 3 weeks ago ( pictures to come), we drove through a storm. Kansas storms are awesome! Ayva was looking out the window and watching everything like the lightning and she said...

I like this place!


I've never seen this before!

There was this big lightning strike and Ayva looks at Cheyenne and says...

Beese (Cheyenne), did you see that?

Last weekend we went camping and before we left Josh changed the oil on the Explorer. Ayva was watching and when Josh let the old oil out Ayva said...

Look daddy, the car is going potty!

While we were camping I was helping Ayva with her fishing pole. She wanted me to throw it out so she could reel it back in. On the end of her line is this fake purple fish. One time she was reeling it in and it got stuck on some rocks so we had to cut the line. I told Ayva I was sorry I lost her fishy and she says...

That's ok mama, it was just an accident.

So Josh caught a fish and he was cleaning it out down by the water and put the guts in a sack. Ayva comes running up to camp screaming...

I got the fishies guts mama, I got the fishies guts!!!

She comes up to me and says...

You want to see them?

I said, no thanks! Then she says...

You want to eat them?

I imagine you all know what my response was.

Oh while we were in Kansas, Dad took us to the lake for a ride on his boat and do some fishing. Mom and dad had the girls while Josh and I were in our car. When we got to the lake Ayva asked grandma and grandpa...

Is Lacey OK?

Cheyenne still hasn't started talking yet but she has a few words like-mama, dada, duck, dog and car. At the doctor's office the other day she did call Ayva-Eggwa. 

Since she can't express in words how she is feeling she's found other ways to do that. For instance...

When I tell her "No" she throws herself on the ground and cries. 
OR, instead of throwing herself on the ground she'll look at me, throwing her arms around and then hit her chest, grab her shirt and pull it. You know, in a mad sort of way.
OR, if Ayva's around she'll look at me all mad like and go to Ayva and pull her hair. All while looking at me.
What a punk!!! She probably takes after her mom.
Sometimes Cheyenne has to sleep in the other room because of the hair pulling(previous post). Sometimes Ayva looks at me all worried and says, "Put her in the other room." 
Don't get me wrong, she is a sweet little girl and the sweet moments are more frequent than the other moments. 
Her face expressions are hilarious!

Cheyenne just started going to nursery 2 weeks ago and is doing great. The leaders told me that Ayva has come alive since Cheyenne joined. Apparently, Ayva is very quiet and to herself but when Cheyenne came in she joins in on everything now. It's funny to see how different they are.

Again, I've been a slacker on the whole posting thing. Our computer has had issues so Josh took a few days and worked on it. So far, it's working great. He's amazing when it comes to computers, he can fix anything! Now that it's working I have no excuses, well except for the whole being a mom excuse. HaHaHa! 


Leslie said...

Little kids are so funny. I love there insight on the world.

Stephanie said...

Ayva is hilarious! She makes me laugh. She is for sure going to be keeping you and Josh on your toes! And Cheyenne...she's a determined little thing. I can't wait to see them this summer!! :)

Eric and Amy said...

Classic post! I love it! HA...the car is going SO something my kids would tell me. It's exhausting fielding so many questions...but at least there is some comic relief ;).

And can I tell you how I am impressed with you with hearing all the outdoorsy stuff you guys do. Way to go Momma! :)

janelle said...

Josh really is a handy man!

Your girls are so cute. I love Ayva's comments, they're so silly.

Nat said...

What silly girls! I am glad you didn't eat the fishy guts! I can't wait to see you guys!

kelley said...

cute, cute girls--they say the funniest things.

Bill Bates said...

The girls are great. Lacey, tell Josh this is the skinny on the grubs: Kalin's 3" Triple Threat Grub, Wally World 3TG20-846 (They are orange and green with a chartruse tail; and Gary Yamamoto 4" single tail 40-20-196. They are pumpkin in color. We used both 3/8 and 1/4 gig heads, I have some green ones with eyes but the lead ones worked just as well.

abb said...

Such cute stories! I love to hear about my darling granddaughters. We are excited to see you in a few days. Drive carefully!

Jeff said...

I think Cheyenne takes after Josh--definitely.