Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cheyenne's evil doings...

The girls sleep together on a queen size mattress and everything has been just fine until a few days ago. Ayva has been complaining a lot lately of Cheyenne pulling her hair and I've caught her doing a few times. The past few nights have been a bit different. I hear Ayva screaming bloody mary, so I go up there and she's crying because Cheyenne is pulling her hair. So I do the parenting thing then leave the room, not seconds later Ayva is screaming again. Go into her room and miss her in the act again but parent(a little slap on the hand) her nonetheless. Go out the room and open the door right after, Cheyenne is up next to Ayva about the pull her hair. This happens a couple times more and she's just not learning so I had to put her in the other room.

The next night we try just leaving them in there together and surprise surprise she's doing it again!This time Josh goes in and Cheyenne is straddling Ayva's back pulling her hair.

What happened to my little angel? This little girl can't possibly be doing this!


Eric and Amy said...

Sorry to hear! Sibling rivalry is a beast! My youngest has been hitting his sister a lot lately, yelling at her, just being outright mean! What comes over these sweet children???

Mandy said...

I hear ya sister!

Rachel said...

How old is Cheyenne? My Daxton is starting to hit and pull Coy's hair! I think it might be the age. Dax has always been my sweet boy he is 22 months now and a little terror!

abb said...

Are you talking about our sweet Cheyenne?

Anonymous said...

Lol! That is funny! Well, it's not funny but it is funny!

Jenny said...

She is so cute Lacey! Caydon use to pull my hair all the time, but I'm slowly trying to teach him not to. We'll see. Disciplining kiddos is such a pain sometimes.

Becca's Blog said...

I will say I understand that and when they are so cute it is so hard to imagine them doing anything naughty! We miss you guys, come down for a visit.