Thursday, July 10, 2008

Welcome to the world, Kendi!!!

Congrats to Brandon and Leisel!
The baby came last night at 11:30pm weighing I believe 7lbs 5oz and 19 inches long.
The delivery went really well, no problems. Mommy and baby are doing great!


Morgan said...

Wow, congrats to them. Does that make 3 or 4 for them now? I was going to ask you, since Tyler is now in glasses do you have any suggestions on how to take good pictures with glasses on with out getting a glare? Thanks Lacey.

Lacey said...

This is their 3rd.
Best suggestion is to take the glasses off. The head tilt is the only other way besides photoshop. You have them tilt their head up or down until you don't have a glare but then that's always hard to have little kids do that. Good luck. Let me know if you have anymore questions.

vk said...

I think it is hysterical that Brandon has 3 girls!!!! That is great for menly men.....Tell themI said congratulations. Lacey, how about coming to supper sometime next week? Let me know the days you are open, Okay
