Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Our 4th of July weekend was a Bates family camping reunion. We had a great time and Ayva especially loved being with her cousins and playing in the dirt. There was a lot of fishing going on and between everyone who fished I'm sure they caught over 20. We had awesome meals, which was bad for anyone who was dieting. The weather was pretty good, a little hot during the day and the night wasn't too bad and tons and tons and tons of mosquitos. Ayva called them moquitos and she did not like them at all but they loved her. They also loved Cheyenne. Cheyenne was probably the only one in camp who didn't get dirty.

Cheyenne also made some new friends, Aunt Liz and Uncle Nick helped us out a lot in watching after those two especially when we went fishing and packing up on the last day. Thank you so much guys!!!

Their Aunt Natalie had a great idea for the kids. She got them whistles to put around their neck in case they wandered a little too far. Thanks Nat!!! Ayva loved it so much she would want to sleep with it at night.

Poor Grandma Bates got a nice dirt shower from Ayva one day. Natalie, Grandma and I were just sitting around talking and Ayva was playing with a big toy shovel. She was in front of Grandma just playing with the shovel, pick up a lot of dirt and threw it behind her. Grandma got drenched with the dirt and I must add was a great sport. She has a lot of patience and just laughed it off, unlike me I'm sure I wouldn't have laughed it off.

Here are some pictures from the trip...


Leisel said...

Ayva is such a funny little girl! I love the dirt. It looks like you had a fun trip.

Stephanie said...

I was cracking up at these pictures!! I couldn't stop laughing at Ayva and her stick!!!! What a crack up. Love Josh's fishing vest. What a pro!

abb said...

That really was a fun trip. I'm so glad we were able to get together. I love the pictures!

Nat said...

What a fun trip! I laugh everytime I think about Grandma's dirt shower! That was hilarious! Ayva is a silly girl! :)

Sorry about your gas light! That stinks!

Eric and Amy said...

How fun! I love the dirty faces! And what a great idea about the whistles!