Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gas light....

probably means we need gas!
You know when your gas light comes on and you can go a little longer until you really need to fill up, well on our way home from the trip we found out that once that light comes on you're out!
This is us, out of gas on I-70!

The girls were good sports about it!

So Josh started walking to the next gas station and about a mile out some guy pulled over and said,"Dude it's hot out there, get in the car." So he drove him about 5 miles to the gas station, got the gas and then drove him back to us. See, there are nice people out there still! So, thank you to the guy out there who picked Josh up!!!!


Leisel said...

At least now you know how long you have after the light comes on. . .

JJ said...

So sorry to hear that that happened to you. I guess it's a lesson for us all. I am glad that you were able to find a nice person...I'm also glad to see that you have a photography blog now. I'll pass it along.

abb said...

Glad you finally made it home OK. Good thing the good Samaritan came along!

Jenny said...

Your blog is SO cute! I can't believe how big your kiddos are. I love looking at all your pictures!! You're such a good photographer.

Eric and Amy said...

Oh my goodness, how awful! I just saw some 20/20 special about gas gauges and how technically you still have a good 20 miles after that gauge says empty. Guess they were wrong!!!

Kelsey said...

It was nice that that guy stopped to help. That dosen't happen too often.