Wednesday, March 12, 2008

2 year check up today!!!

Ayva didn't have a very good time at the doctor's today. She cried the whole time they were getting her measurements. She weighs 26 lbs. and is 34 inches in height. Doctor said she's doing well, she just needs to eat more veggies. That's probably a given with most little kids, right?! She also had 3 shots today and she really wasn't happy with that too. When we got home she point to her thighs and said,"It's hurt." Poor thing.


abb said...

Poor Ayva! I am glad she is healthy. Big shock about the veggies!

Nat said...

Did you know that tomato soup counts as a serving of veggies? We have the veggie issue with Levi, but the others love them...especially spinach!

Merrilee said...

I can't believe Ayva is 2?!! Crazy! It seems like just yesterday you were pregnant with her. Wild. Your family is totally so cute Lacey and you are an awesome mom! Can't wait to meet your girls one day.