Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cheyenne's Year

Do I even need to warn you that this is an extremely long post?!

What a year it's been!
You've grown sooooo much and you've been a light in our life.
You are always on a mission, whatever you are doing. You are always doing what you want and if people get in your way, you let them know. You have the cutest and funniest faces and you know how to please a crowd, you know exactly what to do. You're always trying to make us laugh and it works, most of the time. You love your sister, follow her around and follow her every move. You are always giving hugs and willing to give anyone a kiss. Just thinking of the sweetest things you do melt my heart.

Cheyenne loves animals, books, going to the gym, slides, climbing, being outside, treats, beebee (her blankie that Aunt Leisel made her), being with her sister, apple juice, mac & cheese, cucumbers and white sauce (ranch dressing), discovering new things, etc. You love to do most things.

Her current words: Mama, I'n done, Hi, pease (please), yes, no no no, dog, duck, mama, dada, amma (grandma), daddy, mommy, bye bye.
There may be a few more. For the most part she just grunts at us assuming we know what she's talking about. She surprises me at how much she understands, she knows more than we give her credit for.

You are the sweetest, even when you act up. I can't imagine my life without you. You are a very precious gift to me, to our family!
We love you Beese!!!

Her past year in pictures, I know I know too many! My husband thinks I go overboard. Sorry, can't help it, she's just too adorable!!!

This was her first birthday.
A year later exactly!!!

More pictures to come from our celebrating this week!


Eric and Amy said...

Beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl!

Nat said...

What a cutie! Happy birthday!

Stephanie said...

happy birthday beese!! She looks just like Ayva in the 3rd picture up from the bottom. And she has grown a TON since July! Silly girl!!

abb said...

It's amazing how much they can grow and change in a year! I love the year's worth of pictures. Such a darling little girl. We love you, Cheyenne!

kelley said...

what a fun year for your family