Tuesday, October 21, 2008

There's no cartoons, mama!

Sorry, another long post.

Well, we had a pretty busy weekend. 
Friday night we went to Georgetown to fish the lake there. It's that cute little town off I-70 just west of Denver in the mountains. Actually it's about 30 to 45 minutes west. 
This is Ayva playing with her animals. She loves elephants just like her cousin Brampton.
This is a view of Georgetown and I-70 on the right edge of the photo in the middle. We've driven by there so many times and Josh has always wanted to fish it.
Josh and Ayva got us all set up and there is Ayva shaking her bon bon, or something.
As always, there's Cheyenne watching everything from her stroller.
Ayva trying to fish.
It started to get chilly pretty fast so Ayva decided to eat her treat and relax for a bit.
And this is Ayva when she looked up at me and said, "There's no cartoons, mama!" And then daddy said, "That's the point."
Josh ended up catching 4 fish. Yes, my freezer is full of fish!

Saturday wasn't anything too bad. Josh doing the typical waking up at 5:30am to go fishing. Crazy, I know. He took his kayak this time to fish Cherry Creek Reservoir. He said it was pretty full of boats and fishermen. 
The afternoon was filled with us driving around Denver. We are moving, yet again, in December so we decided to go look around some areas that we would like to live. We were driving and driving and driving. The poor girls had been in the car all afternoon so we decided to stop by a park to let them play. And wouldn't you know it, there was a lake right by the park. So the girls got to play and Josh did some more fishing. He didn't catch anything this time.
Sorry no pictures for Saturday.

We went to church, of course, and then after that we went for a little drive. We headed down south to Colorado Springs to scout the area and drive by a few places I found online. 
Again, we were driving and driving and driving all over the place.
On our way home Ayva started to get a little attitude. We were talking to her and singing with her, she loves singing The Wheels On The Bus. All of a sudden she said really loud, "I'm not talking ta you!!!" She said it a few times and it was funny but I decided I don't want to hear that from her for the next few months so I stopped it. I told her that isn't a nice thing to say and she said, "That's not nice?" I said, "yes, that's not nice." And it was pretty much over, she was her old sweet self again.
Ayva started playing with Cheyenne trying to make her laugh, making funny faces and making strange sounds and of course Cheyenne was just cracking up. Then Ayva started screaming, that ear piercing type scream. She's got some lungs on her. Cheyenne must have thought it seemed like fun so she tried to do it. So Ayva would scream and then Cheyenne then Ayva then Cheyenne. It was so funny. Cheyenne's scream didn't come close to Ayva's scream but it was just so funny to hear Cheyenne try to do it. She sure has made a place for herself in our little family. 


Rachel said...

Way to catch all those fish Josh! I hope you don't make Lacey cook them!! Ewe! When Cody catches fish he has to cook them. I won't do it. So they get thrown out most of the time. What a fun weekend. Are you guys going to buy or rent? I hate house hunting. It's not fun one bit! I wish you the best of luck in your hunting...

JJ said...

You guys sure are movers and shakers. You are always up and doing something.

It was great to see you the other day! It reminded me of Kansas City and all the fun times we had there.

I love the blog look. That's the color scheme and pattern of my master bedroom!

Leisel said...

I love seeing my kids interacting!!! They love each other so much! Kendi already loves watching her sisters play. BTW, can I borrow some of your energy and adverturism?

Lacey said...

Rachel-No I don't touch them, Josh does cook them and he does an excellent job too. And we are just renting.

JJ-I loved spending time with you and your family as well, I always feel so at home with you guys. And that's why I picked this template because I saw a picture of your bedroom on a scrapbook page you did and loved it ever since.

Leisel-Believe me, there is no energy on my part when we go fishing. I just sit in the chair or I'm off running errands while Josh and Ayva fish

abb said...

What a fun weekend! I can just imagine the two girls squealing. I know it must've been hard on the ears and head, but hey, it was funny! It's good that they are such good friends. It's also good that you are out as a family, exploring Colorado, and building memories.

janelle said...

I love that picture of Cheyenne. It's almost her birthday and I've still never met her. Give them kisses from us.

Kelsey said...

Don't you love living in Denver with all the mountains and lakes around you. How fun.