Saturday, October 4, 2008

EE-OW's song

For those of you who didn't catch the second session today, they opened with a children's choir singing "I am a child of God."

As soon as they started the song Ayva said, "That's EE-OW song!"
I realize she doesn't understand the words and meaning but it sure touched my heart.
I found out later that they sing it in nursery. It still amazes me how these small people remember and learn things. She certainly acquired her father's genes and I'm so grateful for that.


abb said...

That is so special. I am glad that she recognized the song. As I watched the children sing, I wondered what impact it may make on their lives that they had that experience. From hearing this story about Ayva, it seems that maybe it made an impact on the lives of other Primary children as well, even if it is only for today.

kelley said...

I loved the primary choir too!

Kelsey said...

The primary choir was beautiful. I teach in junior primary and I am amazed by how the little kids memorize the songs, they can't read, but they know all the songs and they sing their hearts out.

Rachel said...

I loved how they sang the song today! It was very good. My little boy kept singing "God" everytime they did. I think its time we start working on that one.

Stephanie said...

That is so cute! She's a litte cutie pie. I really want to see that little girl. We should get together at Christmas. hahaha

Mandy said...

I think it is funny that Ayva did that, when Tate heard, he got all excited and said, pointing to himself, "my church!" Atleast someone is getting something out of church (I know all I do is pick up crayons and fruit snacks)