Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rice anyone???

Ok, it's about 10:30am and Ayva was wanting a snack. So I gave her some fruit snacks. When she was done with them she asked for some rice. Rice, really, what kid asks for some rice for a snack? So we went into the kitchen and she was all excited to make the rice. When we got in there she turned around to me and said, "We gonna make some rice, be careful it's bery bery hot." Sometimes she says things that shock me and make me laugh.  


Nat said...

Good for Ayva! Rice is good for you! Cute story!

abb said...

Rice? How nice! Funny, funny girl!

Kimberly Robinson said...

I love your stories! And your photos! You guys are the cutest!

Bill Bates said...

Rice is good for you. It reduces cholestrol and improves skin elasticity.

Kelsey said...

So cute. I just love to listen to what little kids have to say.