Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My New Hero...

Leisel Payzant

If you haven't checked out her craft blog, you need to.
She amazes me with all the stuff she's been creating and a lot of it! Where does she find the time?

She has these tutorials and giveaway going on right now. It's a single dress pattern for the giveaway and the tutorials are taking that pattern and changing it up a bit. She has put up so many different versions and they are adorable!!

Not only is she doing that but she has a contest going on too--So you think you can quilt. Every month the contestants enter a quilt they made and every month is a new theme.

Go check out her blog.

This is just one of my favorites!
And isn't that little thing adorable too, she's my cute niece!


Leisel said...

Ummm. . . WOW!!! Thank you. You are too sweet.

kelley said...

I have been following her blog, and I totally agree. Her dresses are so cute. When I get my sewing stuff out of storage I'm gonna make some dresses for my girlies three.