Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yes Sir!

Last night I was getting the girls ready for bed and it was Ayva's turn. She was feeling a little goofy and wouldn't come to me when I would call for her. I finally got her and said, "Ayva, come on." She then responded while laughing, "Yes Sir!" Then stood up and saluted me.

I just about died! Where did she see that?!

It was hilarious to see her little hand go to her forehead and salute.


abb said...

That is so funny! Such a smart girl!

kelley said...

tooo funny :)

Papa said...

that takes my breath away

Nat said...

Ha ha ha! :)

carol daniels said...

That is funny! Do you live close to Ft. Carson? Maybe she is seeing some of the Army life, hugh?