Friday, January 9, 2009

Computer Issues

So my computer is giving me a hard time. I'd been planning and trying to post the rest of our Christmases but my computer is not working with me. 

So in the mean time I'll tell you some funny stories...

Tonight I asked Josh, "Have you ever noticed Ayva being pigeon toed?" Ayva comes running over to me and says, "You want to see my pingened toes?" while removing her socks. 

Today the girls and I were getting ready to go out and Cheyenne had a hoodie sweater on. Ayva was putting the hood on and she said, "This doesn't fit you kid." Cracked me up!

Yesterday Ayva found a Care Bears DVD and was carrying it around saying, "Can't touch the rainbow, that would hurt the DBD." You know that "rainbow" you see on the back of a DVD, that's what she meant. Then she said she wanted to watch it and I said, "Have daddy put it in for you." Then she replied, "No, I just want to figure it out." She wanted to figure out how to put the DVD in and get it to play. 

For those of you who don't know, Ayva refers to strangers and a bunch of people as "The Peoples." Also, when Josh answers the phone for work he says, "This is Josh." Ayva likes to imitate him. Well, on Monday the cable guy came to add in a phone line. The cable guy got on the phone and Ayva whispers to me, "This is the peoples."

The other day Ayva was upstairs playing with mega legos building towers. She came downstairs and said, "They keep falling over." I asked her what was falling over and she said, "The towers." Then she replied, "I just can't think about it."

Where does she come up with these?

Over Christmas we were in Vegas for a Payzant Family Reunion. The day we arrived at the house my brother Brandon and his family came over (they live in Henderson, NV). Ayva is sitting on a chair and Brandon walks in and goes up to her, gets in her face and asks (jokingly), "Who are you?" Ayva pauses, looks him up and down and holds up her elephant and says, "This is a nelephant." He didn't even phase her. 

Ayva hasn't quite grasp the concept that animals and people have names as well as being a "nelephant" or a bird OR in this case Wall E is a robot not Wall E.

Her cousin Brampton had a Wall E toy and Uncle Evan showed her the toy and said, "Wall E." Ayva said, "No, that's just a robot." Then Uncle Evan pointed to the writing on the robot and said slowly, "WWaallll EE." Ayva responded the same way, pointing at the writing and said slowly, "The Roobboot."
Thank you Evan for trying to teach her, I think she's catching on to it.

I would write stories about Cheyenne but she's not talking yet. 

When I ask her for kisses, she opens her mouth and plants a big wet one on me. 

We've been putting them to bed together lately and for a nap one afternoon Ayva wanted to sleep but Cheyenne didn't. So I would check in on them and I found Cheyenne kneeling next to Ayva patting her back trying to wake her up. Needless to say naps aren't working with them together.

There's a ton more I could write but I think I'll spare you for now. 


Stephanie said...

This is the peoples! Are you kidding me. Evan and I just cracked up over these. We can seriously hear her cute little voice. You really need to write down more of these so we can laugh again! She is hilarious. Seriously, how is she so stinking funny?

Leisel said...

That is so cute! Ayva is the sweetest little thing! I loved watching her try and play with the big kids. She was just adorable!!!

abb said...

I love the stories! Ayva is such a good little speaker.

cad said...

It was so fun to read those cute little sayings. You will be so glad you wrote them down and so will your kids, someday in the future. How is the new place? Have you got settled in? Hope your Christmas was good and your New Year will be all that you want it to be. Aunt Carol

Jeff said...

For Christmas, Emily asked for a book of stories and pictures of me as a kid. I am glad my mom kept a good journal. Maybe someday Ayva's husband will ask for something like that. He'll get a kick out of these stories. She's a funny little girl.