Thursday, December 11, 2008

We're back...

Yes, I've been a slacker lately.
Well, I won't bore you with a long post, I'll just briefly inform you on what we've been doing.
We spent Thanksgiving with family in Utah(pictures to come). 
An insane experience with Black Friday (my first by the way) with my sister-in-law Natalie. Thanks Nat for being a crazy mom with me.
Josh was experiencing his first Elk hunt while we were there, no luck yet but he'll get one.
Enjoyed being with family.
Getting ready for a move into a house, hooray!!! Just renting the house not buying. No more apartment! Goodbye neighbor above!
Right after the move we are headed to Las Vegas for a Payzant Christmas family reunion. Yay, I'm so excited. It's been a looooooong time since we've all been together.
My super awesome cousin Janae just had her fourth child today, congrats!!! Love you Nae! Hope you are all doing well.
And for FHE this week we made, in Ayva's words, a Christmas House (Gingerbread House). I just bought that kit you see at Wal-Mart. So here are a few pictures, Ayva loved doing it. She kept saying, "I'm decorating the Christmas House mama."
Cheyenne wanting to help but really wanting to eat everything.
Ayva, very carefully, decorating the sidewalk part of the house.
Cheyenne found something to eat.
I was really surprised at how well Ayva was doing and doing it very carefully. I thought she would just want to put them in random spots.
And yet again, Cheyenne eating the decorations.
Ayva was really proud of herself and loved her Christmas House.
They were both really excited to finally eat the house.
Let the eating begin...
Ayva trying it for the first time, I don't think she liked it very much.
Cheyenne thinks anything with sugar is good.
Ayva didn't like it when dad broke it but got over it real fast.

Oh yah, last Saturday we had our first and last movie theater experience with a 2 and 1 year old. We saw Madagascar 2, it amazes me at how much adult content these cartoons have. Is it just me?

If I don't post again until 2009...



Nat said...

I had fun on Black Friday, even though we were almost trampled to death! Good times!

We mad a "Christmas House" for FHE too! Great minds think alike!

Leisel said...

Wow! You guys made a beautiful gingerbread house! I tried one year-- and it didn't look anything like that! I couldn't figure out how to do it, let alone my kids. Impressive! We can't wait to see you guys!

janelle said...

Your Christmas house looks beautiful! It's funny how Cheyenne is trying to eat everything. If I were there that would be me too.

kelley said...

fun FHE. Just in case you don't check again until 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Ashlee said...

That house looks so cute! I'm very impressed! Did I ever invite you to our blog? I can't remember... But I love the pictures you take of your cute girls! They're so big, I wouldn't recognize them at all!

abb said...

The Christmas House turned out nicely! I enjoyed talking to Ayva about it. It looks like the girls had a great time. Did it taste as good as it looked?

Mandy said...

Welcome back, and merry christmas to you guys, have a great move, vegas party, christmas, new year and everything in between!

shaniel said...

We took our four kids to Madagascar 2 also. Thank goodness my mom came to help. Went pretty well. I also agree with you. It did have alot of adult humor in it. I didn't really care for the movie. It was nice going as a family though. (it was our first with the twins) You guys have a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your gingerbread house skills. It looks professional. =) Ours always falls apart before we're done decorating.

The Mid Life Guru said...

From one blog slacker to another, I totally understand. It is so hard to keep up with the blogging groove. At least your absence what short; mine was 4 months long.
Good luck with the move and have a wonderful time with your family in Las Vegas, snow and all. I can't wait to hear the details. xxoo

Kelsey said...

I like you Christmas house. That is one of our families favorite Christmas traditions

April said...

Okay, superiorly professional looking gingerbread house and what cute girls! It isn't just you about the movies -- it is loaded with adult content and my only hope is that most of it goes right over their heads! Congrats on the new house, can't wait to see pics.

Sorensen's said...

Your girls are adorable. It was really nice meeting you and I hope to get to know you better.