Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Minnows, Beer, Scrapes, Musical Chairs, Fish Jaw, Death March, etc.

Now it's been a few days but I'd like to share our adventure we had on Saturday.

It all started early Saturday morning. We didn't go camping but we went to a state park to go fishing. Josh wanted to try out his new bait thingys and Ayva really like them because they looked like little fishies. So we got up at about 6:30 and arrived at the park about 7:30. It was pretty chilly, especially down by the water. So we were all bundled up and set up our little day camp, chairs, cooler, snacks and fishing gear. Josh started fishing and Ayva set out for discovery. Cheyenne just chilled out in her carrier, like she always does, good baby! Ayva was coming back and was on a little slope as she bent down to pick up a leaf she fell right on her face. She was a little mad because she had dirt all over her face and after the cleaning found a little scrape on her chin. I believe that was the first scrape on her face ever.

A little later Josh put one of his new bait thingys on and told me to reel it in while he uses the little boys room. Me not knowing anything about the different ways to fish didn't realize that you cast this one out there and then reel it in pretty fast so it doesn't get stuck on the bottom. You know, they are suppose to look like little fishies swimming around. So he went and I started reeling it in but I guess I wasn't fast enough because it got stuck. At first I thought I got one, yay for me I was excited for a brief second then the thought "OH NO!!!" came. So I sat there holding it trying to get it loose. My way of getting it loose entailed me yanking on it. Josh came back and I looked at him and said "this is what happens when you leave your wife to do it." So he tried and couldn't get it and then just cut it loose. So I lost one of his bait thingys. Sorry Josh!

Later, it started to warm up a bit and Josh decided he wanted to try live bait, so I went down the street to the bait shop and got a dozen minnows. Ayva was so excited when we took the lid off, she loved the little fishes. She just stood there and watched them for a while waving at them and saying "Hi, little fishies."

Poor Josh didn't catch a fish but he did catch a fishes jaw. At one point, he thought he caught something so he reeled it in and there was no fish, just it's jaw.

So we left the park and went home for a planned nap before we went to the baseball game. The Dodgers is one of Josh's teams and they were here playing the Rockies. The girls went down for a nap and after cleaning up a bit it was about 2pm and we had to leave by 4pm. Long story short we slept through the alarm and woke up at 4pm. Needing to get the girls ready for the game because it was going to be a little chilly we left at 4:30pm. Which ended up being ok because we got there with plenty of time to spare. We parked pretty far from the entrance and so we took a shuttle. We ended up on the opposite side so we walked to the other side, I know this is boring but it is important to the end of the story. We got to our seats hoping it wasn't going to fill up around us. Anyone else hate being packed in at the ballpark? I hate it. So we got hot dogs for dinner and I came back with them and Josh and I started eating with kids in hand. Cheyenne was just eye balling my dog the whole time. So of course with our luck everyone started packing in all around us and we were right in the middle of the row. We knew we'd have issues because Ayva, for those of you who know her, hates being still. So we went higher in the stadium where there was no one, thinking we had it made. Well it was the 2nd inning and people were still coming and of course the section we moved to just got sold out by late comers. We moved a little higher and then again and then again. And everyone that was coming had a beer in hand. Beer everywhere you could smell it, yuck!!! So we finally moved to a section that was closed off, it had a sign and chain that said "closed" , we were bad we know. It just kept filling up, there were no seats left in that section. So the usher guy saw us and said we couldn't sit there. By this time it was only the fourth inning and people were still coming, all the party people I guess. So the usher guy told us we could sit in the handicap seating area. You know that row as you walk through the tunnel and they are right there. So after playing musical chairs through the first 5 innings we ended leaving after the 5th. Dodgers were winning anyways so it was no big deal.

On our way out I was thinking we wouldn't have to walk as far if we go the other then the way we came in. So we were out of the ballpark and asked the lady how to get to our lot going the other way. So she told us to go over the bridge, turn left and walk down the side walk past the parking lot and tun left again to go under the roadway. So we did and got to this stop light and asked the policeman where to go next. We told him where we were parked and he said we went the wrong way and either have to make our way through all these apartments and up this street ramp and down another street ramp and then we would be at the entrance we arrived at. Or go back the way we came and go all the way around it again. We decided to keep truckin it through the apartments and the street ramps. After we made it to the parking lot we had to walk all the way through the parking lot over a busy street and through another parking lot. We finally made it to the car and boy were my arms like jello. We didn't bring a stroller, we just carried Cheyenne and of course after a while we held Ayva as well. Talk about a death march. Well for me it was especially when you weren't expecting a long walk like that. On the bright side of all that we got a little tour of the city in all that walking.

So, guess what? We are going camping this weekend. This time in the mountains.

Wish me luck!!!

Sorry about the lengthy post.


Leisel said...

Wow, Lace! I seriously. . . I mean who would ever guess about 4 years ago that LACEY would be at a baseball game and go fishing all in one day! It is way beyond my imagination! You must love your hubby ALOT!!!!! ;0)

abb said...

What an experience! At least you seem to be laughing about it! Hope you have a fun camp trip, and be sure to tell the story afterwards. We love your stories!

Kelsey said...

Sounds like you guys have lots of fun together. This is Kelsey again (Josh's cousin) in case you didn't see me in a previous comment. Send me your e-mail and I'll invite you to my blog. kbywater7@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Wow - what a day!

Mandy said...

I was getting tired JUST READING about it all! Good Luck camping!

April said...

That is some serious effort! Good for you getting out there with two huge events in one day! I hope the camping went well! You know it's warm in houston!!!!!

vk said...

Bless your heart Lacey, you are such a new little wife. Time will teach you that there are boy adventures and girl adventures (shopping, movies, crafts, photography :) and we let them enjoy those adventures with other BOYS! Come to my house. Anyway, you are a great phtographer, Janae's pictures are priceless. Where were you when we were looking for a photographer for Jacqui. Oh well, there are always family pictures, you are on speed dial

Love you,