Thursday, May 1, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!

This is the lovely view we had when we woke up this morning. Nice, huh! Didn't I see somewhere that it's MAY!?! The forecast said it's suppose to do this until late Friday. This just doesn't seem right!


Nat said...

That's crazy! Yesterday we were outside most of the day in our shorts and sandals. We all got a little sunburned. Today it is freezing and the wind is howling. I think it should be warm in May! Oh well, no one asked me!

Unknown said...

I can't believe that! We had a bad thunderstorm tonight--hail and tornado warnings. The sun and moon were both out at the same time. It looked eery. The sky was green. You could have taken some great pictures.

Stephanie said...

you should come visit! It's in the 80's here....nice and sunny. Are you jealous?? I think I might prefer the snow and my hot flashes!

abb said...


Jenn said...

That is nuts!! Ryan's family is in Alaska and they had 2 feet of snow. What is going on with the world? Come to Texas, we have 80 degree weather. Come bask in it.

vk said...

Going to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come! (I think that's a song, but it is also a dream!)
