Saturday, April 19, 2008


Tonight we did a little shopping and then had dinner. When we were leaving the restaurant Ayva, of course starting running towards the car. FYI, the parking lot was pretty empty and no traffic so she wasn't in any danger. But what she was actually running to was the moon. Then with her arms stretched out these words came out of her mouth, "Da moon, da moon. Catch it mommy, catch it." It was a funny sight. Another FYI, she loves balls and loves to play with them.


JJ said...

That is the cutest story! You have to write that down for posterity. After getting the opportunity to meet Ayva, this story doesn't surprise me. She's a beautiful little girl.

It was so nice to see you. I hope we get to see you on the next visit!

Stephanie said...

That is too cute! She's funny.

abb said...

What a fun story! This kind of thing probably happens more than we think, but if the child can't communicate it, how would we know? Who knows what Cheyenne is thinking?

Unknown said...

She says the funniest things. Sure do miss that little girl.