Tuesday, July 3, 2007


This picture makes us laugh. It's one of the cutest and funniest pictures of her. It was taken in London in our apartment and she was about 1 month old. She was sitting with her daddy on the couch and sat up posing for the camera. I just thought I'd share this picture with you because it's one of my favorites! Look at those cheeks!


Stephanie said...

I like this pic too! Her hair cracks me up.

abb said...

Amazon Woman - from the very beginning!

brian_angela said...

That hair is really funny! Thanks for posting a comment on my website. I didn't even notice, until now, that Stephanie had a link to your website. I hope you and your family are doing well in the UK. I have been trying to get a temporary job over there at the Univ. of Southampton but no luck yet.

brian_angela said...

Sorry I guess I didn't read your profile to realize you guys are back in Kansas City now. Cool website, glad you made one!