Sunday, November 21, 2010

what would i do without zofran?

Apparently I'm not doing much better.
Yesterday and today I've been off the medication (not voluntarily, I ran out) and I've been sick as a dog today. I finally was able to keep dinner down but that's it...burritos...of all things I kept down burritos.
Josh was fantastic in doing all the dishes and my massive pile of laundry! What a great guy, I love him so much!!!
Hopefully I can get more of that magic little pill tomorrow!


Leslie said...

Zofran and IV's saved me too. Hopefully you will get feeling better soon.

BriANDaleen said...

Yuck! Sorry you're so sick! Hopefully you'll get a break soon?

Nat said...

Josh did laundry?! I hope you took a picture! ;)

I hope you get feeling better soon!