Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Zoo Trip

Sorry, another long post.

I've been wanting to go to the zoo for a while now and we finally went last weekend. I know I'm a slacker with my posts. We had a good time. I thought Ayva would enjoy it more than she did but I think she was just a little unsure about seeing the animals in person. She did ask to see the elephants the whole time. I'd say, "Ayva, see the zebras!" and Ayva's response, "No, I wanna see the elephants!" So needless to say we saw the elephants quite a bit. 
We walked around the whole zoo and most of the animals were just laying there sleeping.

We road the little train and Ayva loved that, she loves choo choo trains! 

Oh, I forgot Ayva also loved the geese and they were everywhere so Ayva thought it would be fun chasing them around. Boy that was her favorite part of the whole day I think. I got a video of it, so enjoy. We got a kick out of it and so did other people walking by.

Sorry about the video, cell phone, apparently not a very good one.

Ayva chasing after daddy.

Clapping for the elephants.

Daddy throwing Ayva into the water. Ok, so he was pretending.
Ayva waiting for the choo choo train ride. She said, "EE-OW so escited!"

I love the look on her face.
Daddy walked up behind me.

Out of focus picture. You know, the artsy style.
Ayva didn't like the smells inside the buildings. She would say, "It's so stinky in here, let's git outta here!"
That's her, running for the exit.
Another building and Ayva running for the exit.

Ayva loved the Tropical Discovery building. She loved looking at the fish. 
Not too much to say about Cheyenne, she just sits there and looks around.

And this is them at the end of the day. They were pretty worn out, no naps!


Stephanie said...

So fun! We must be sisters or something b/c we're going to the zoo this week too! I'll be sure and post some pics. Ayva and Brampton would be the best of friends if we lived closer...of course...ELEPHANTS are his fav. They must be related somehow. Oh...and I totally just noticed Josh's new hair-do. I like it! It looks really good on him. Ev agrees. Anyway...glad to see a new post.

abb said...

Fun zoo pictures. I was sure Ayva was going to catch that goose! Ayva said "elephant" to me on the phone Sunday. It was so sweet! I'm glad all of you had a good time.

Nat said...

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I love that 10 month picture of Cheyenne on the sidebar. So cute!

Rachel said...

You zoo trip looked so fun! I want to take my boys before the weather turns.. Maybe we will do that.. thanks for the idea!

Anonymous said...

I love the zoo too. Derek and I used to go in NM all the time. It's fun to go to the zoo with kids. Ask Josh if he remembers taking me to the zoo when I was 17. "Josh is taking us to the zoo tommorrow!" LOL!!!

Leisel said...

Okay, so Ayva totally has your face! She looks just like you in a coule of the pics. And Cheyenne is all Josh. How cute!

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh, When did you buzz your head? You sure have beautiful girls. Are you enjoying your job? Hope all is well.

Kimberly Robinson said...

Ha! I love reading your blog, your family is hilarious & your girls are precious with the funny things they say & do. They must definately have a mom who makes everything fun!

Kelsey said...

Going to the Zoo is so much fun. Your girls are so beautiful! I love the video of Ayva chasing the geese. Kids love to do that for some reason.

Eric and Amy said...

Nothing like the zoo! I just love your pics! And Ayva looks just like you, Lacey! So cute!