Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A little update...

So I've been a slacker on posts, sorry. Here's a few pictures of what the girls have been up to.
I heard about this park that has one of these little water fountains. I thought Ayva would like it.
She had a great time running up to the water and touching it. And of course just running around. I know this sounds bad but as she was running around I was hoping the water would shoot out just as she was running over it. Isn't that an awful thought?! I just know her reaction would have been worth it.
And Cheyenne just started feeding herself, what a big girl!! She is getting so big.
Ayva and Cheyenne playing in Cheyenne's bed before church a few days ago.

I always do Ayva's hair in a pony tail so I thought I would try leaving it down. And this is my first attempt at curling her hair. She actually did a great job for a two year old, sitting there letting me curl it. She was a little nervous though to have that hot curling iron by her head but she was a trooper.

And this is Ayva's new Dora chair. She loves it. The first night it had to be in her room and on her bed. She carries it back and forth from her room to the living room.


Mal said...

Hey Lacey, this is Mallory- Josh's cousin. I have just noticed that a lot of my cousins have blogs and found you guys! Your girls are adorable and Ayva's hair is so gorgeous, I really love the color! Anyway I know you don't know us but if you want to check out our blog it's www.blandingbilbaos.blogspot.com!

Leisel said...

Love the new background! Cheyenne is getting so big! And I love Ayva's hair.

Nat said...

Ayva's hair is so cute! I miss your gilrs!

vk said...

Alright Lacey, that childs hair has grown at least three inches since I've last seen her.....That is not acceptable. When can you guys come for supper, I will call you!!!!!!


abb said...

I am glad you posted the fun pictures of the girls. Both girls look as though their hair has grown. I am glad Josh drew an elk permit. Now I know we will see you in a few months! I am looking forward to that!

Rachel said...

Hi Lacey! Go ahead and add us to your blog!! I want to add you guys to ours as well!!

Kelsey said...

Ava's hair is beautiful.