Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Random pics of the girls


Stephanie said...

Yay. New pics! I can't believe how grown up the girls look.

Leisel said...

Wow! They look so grown up! So cute!

Nat said...

I like Cheyenne's hair! So cute!

I've been meaning to ask you...
Do you want to do Christmas for the kids the same way we did last year? I know it is a bit early, but I was just wondering.

kelley said...

love the new pictures, the girls are adorable.

I am josh's aunt kelley, I visit your site, I got the address from Natalies site. If you'd like to visit us we are at http://thecoolestjensenfamily.blogspot.com/

abb said...

Their hair looks about the same color, but I know its not...right? Not unless one of them changed haircolors on me! Cute girls! I can't wait to see them!

Kelsey said...

They are so cute. I think Cheyenne looks like Josh.

Lacey said...

Poor Cheyenne

Lacey said...

Ok, that last comment that says laceybates was not from Lacey, that was all Josh!

Bill Bates said...

So, after the debacle of the last two days, is Josh still with us?

Lacey said...

He hasn't said much since it happened. I'm a little worried. He keeps mumbling "Broxton's not the closer, Broxton's not the closer" or "Feed unga, collie isn't open"