Monday, June 30, 2008

Favorite time of the day!!!

Checking on my girls before we go to bed.
It melts my heart to see them sleeping so peacefully. It's also a little overwhelming because as I watch them and think about their future and who they are going to become I realize that responsibility rests on us, as parents to teach and guide them through this life. Of course there is someone that is always there for us when we need the help.
They amaze me everyday and make me laugh! They are such a blessing and I am completely honored to be called their mother. I just hope I can live up to that precious title, for their sake.


Stephanie said...

So sweet! I feel the same way...just like I was saying on the phone. I guess that's why I feel so bad about being tied up on the computer...I should be teaching my kid something :)

Eric and Amy said...

I feel the same way! It is so overwhelming to have these sweet spirits and wonder what we have to do to teach them to be good people. Big job! Thankfully we aren't alone in the process!!!

abb said...

Yes,raising children is awesome, in all forms of the word. Lacey, you are a very good mother! I can't wait to see all of you, very soon!

Nat said...

I agree and feel the same way. Sometimes it is just so overwhelming and hard, but it is so worth it. Good thing we have that other help, too. That was a really sweet post. Your girls are lucky to have such an awesome mom. (...and dad!) Sometimes I like to watch my guys sleep...just because it is the only time they are still and the house STAYS clean! I sure love them, and can't wait to see you guys! I guess we will this afternoon, if we ever get our stupid tires fixed!

vk said...

Lacey Sweetheart,

You are doing a wonderful job, keep patting yourself on the back and then bring them to see Aunt Verlinda! PS Can you send me your address? When are you ready tocome back over. Jacqui is here!


April said...

You're making it look easy!

vancar said...

Lacey, I'm sure you're a good mom!!! You had good training from your own good mother! Love to see the pictures of your family and those little girls, especially!!! Keep posting them! Love you, Carla